We’re Here for It!

Hey friend,

We hope that wherever you are at, you know that we are here for it. We are here if you’re in a season of grief. We are here for your celebrations too. We are here if you feel like you’re in the desert and can’t seem to find the refreshment you need. We are also here for you if you have to do something really really brave and you need inspiration. We know that all women go through varying seasons. So if you are in a place where you need some wisdom, we’ve got you covered. If you need to grow in hearing Jesus’ voice guiding your path, we’ve got you. If you are in need of help because your past is holding power over your present, we’ve got you there too.

Here at Collide, we don’t assume all women are in the same place. We assume we aren’t. That’s why we are working so hard to create spaces, conversations, resources, and gatherings that can meet women where they are at. Why do we try so hard to do this? Because we see Jesus meeting people where they were at. Jesus met the woman caught in the act of adultery right smack dab in the midst of her shame. Jesus met the blind man begging for mercy in his despair. Jesus met Peter in the ordinary and called him to more meaning in his career. We are all in different places but we have a God who can meet us each uniquely. So wherever you’re at, we’re here for it.

So check out our 20 Day Walk Toward Gratitude if you need more thankfulness in your life. Listen in to The Collide Podcast and spend time soaking up wisdom if you need more of it. Grab our Personal and Powerful Bible study if you need to be reminded of God’s presence that is promised to be personal to you. If you need community, grab our Collide and Converse group video Bible study and invite a few people into a life-changing experience. Check out our Women of Impact online course if you need a jump start to your big dreams. And take a look at our 6 Places to Go Looking for God devotional if you just can’t seem to find Him anywhere.

Friend, wherever you’re at, may you know that Jesus collides with you right there and loves you with an enveloping, unconditional, sacrificial, forever love kind of love that can handle all you bring to Him today.

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