Wholeness & Counseling

Step into Healing

We’ve all experienced pain and hardship. We all have stories of colliding with wounded people, who then wounded us (and we’ve wounded others, too). We know what it’s like to battle anxiety, insecurity, and sickness. We’ve tried to numb the pain by binge watching the Kardashians. We’ve tried to ice it over with gin and tonics. We’ve read a million self help books. But the thing about running from our pain is that it always catches up with us, leaving us more empty, more anxious and more broken. Jesus doesn’t run from our pain- He actually enters brokenness and brings about wholeness. So here at Collide we are fiercely committed to walking alongside you as you say yes to God’s healing in your life.

While we wish we could sit down for a cup of coffee together and walk you through the in’s and out’s of the next steps to take toward your most healthy and beautiful life, we’ll have to pour a virtual cup as you poke around the resources, stories, and inspiration we’ve compiled for you to find answers and direction for your healing journey.

Resources included on this page are for informational use only and are not intended to replace advice from a professional who is working directly with you as a patient or client.

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Need help getting started?

Are you feeling like you might need help processing some hard stuff? Saying yes to help and healing is a brave thing to do. Counseling can be life-changing and we want to remove any obstacles in the way of getting help and answer the questions that are keeping you from making the call. We’ve created practical resources to help you find a therapist, figure out your next steps, and move forward toward wholeness.

As you wait to see a counselor, check out our Counseling Bundle  resource featuring 12 videos from highly-respected mental health professionals on topics most often talked about in a therapist’s office.

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Bible Studies

Our Bible studies were written and designed to meet you where you’re at and help you collide with Jesus. Whether you want to experience peace in place of your anxiety, replace your insecurity with confidence, or trade in your feelings of insignificance to grab hold of incredible purpose, these studies will help you find healing and wholeness.

  • Bible Study

    Personal and Powerful Bible Study

    This Bible study on hope reveals the ways in which God intersects with us as women in personal and powerful ways. In a world where we can stand in a crowd and feel alone, do you feel known, heard, understood and met? Do you feel God like has the power to pull off what you need in your life? Personal and Powerful invites us to hope again and trust a God who is big enough to work in our lives in powerful ways and loving enough to be present at all times.

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    The Birds & The Lilies Bible Study

    This Bible study for anxiety seeks to counter what some are calling “anxiety culture,” a phenomenon which impacts women across the world. We as women, are all so bombarded by demands, pressure, stress, and anxious thoughts. Jesus suggests there is another way than worry and so we spend time in this study digging deep into what God says about anxiety.

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    “Yes, You” Bible Study

    This Bible study on self worth encourages women to see beyond their inadequacies so they can be purposed to their fullest potential. Most of us desire to do amazing things, but often doubt our own abilities. We let our weaknesses boss around our strengths and we let our insecurities drown out our giftings. But what if God could use exactly what we’ve got to pull off something big? “Yes, You” empowers women in the truth that they were made to do incredible things.

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    Go Ahead Bible Study

    This Bible study empowers women to experience the extraordinary and Divine in their everyday lives. So often we want the miracle, we want to see God, we want to be a part of what feels impossible but we are waiting for it to come to us instead of us leaning into it. So many of us desire to live extraordinary lives but often feel so very ordinary. What if experiencing the extraordinary is possible?

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    Collide & Converse: A Video Bible Study for Women

    This 6-week video Bible study centers around New Testament stories of people having life-changing collisions with Jesus taught by Collide’s Founder and Director, Willow Weston.

  • Bible Study

    A 5 Week Guide to Help Manage Your Anxiety

    We collaborated with five highly-respected mental health professionals and compiled their top advice, exercises, reflections, and resources to come up with one beautifully designed master bundle. This guide is jam packed with spiritual and practical tools to add to your tool kit.

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Other Resources

Know someone that needs help?

We are made for relationships. But relationships take work. Sometimes, that work is investing in ourselves in new ways and at other times it's supporting those around us, as they navigate challenges. Think of concentric circles. As the circles move outward, the circle gets bigger. This is like support. As we learn to be cared for, and care for ourselves, we grow in our ability to offer care outwards to the next circle out.

Contact us for information about our local counseling referral program.

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Financial Assistance for Counseling

Collide allocates scholarship funding each year so we can offer financial assistance to women seeking the help of a mental health professional.

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5 Week Guide to Help Manage Your Anxiety

We collaborated with five highly-respected mental health professionals and compiled their top advice, exercises, reflections, and resources to help you manage your anxiety.

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“I think reaching out and asking for help is by far the hardest part of the whole process and I thank Collide for providing such a comfortable and easy process that allowed us financially to seek help in a difficult time.” -a brave woman who said yes to help

“I have had an incredible amount of healing through counseling and I am so thankful for the connection that Collide gave me to find my counselor. She is so great and has helped me through a lot of difficult things. God is good.” -a courageous woman who said yes to healing

“Going to a counselor has been an incredible privilege. It is helping me find my voice again after giving up ground to the lies that I believed. I am very much still in the midst of the process, but I have to believe that God will finish what he started. I am learning and I am thankful. The connection I received through Collide to a God-fearing and God-loving counselor has been a great blessing in my life.” -a brave woman who said yes to help