Carma Roetcisoender is a licensed mental health counselor whose primary focus and passion has been in helping survivors of sex trafficking find new hope and life through individual and group therapy. She loves helping vulnerable children and adults who have experienced poverty, homelessness, sexual and physical violence, and trauma as well as helping people with life transitions, grief and loss, and career changes. Talk about an amazing counselor. In this episode, Carma talks about the complexities of trauma, and reminds us that healing is possible.
Book Recommendation: The Body Keeps the Score
Amazing resource alert!
Do you ever wish you could access the wisdom, tools, and advice of licensed mental health professionals from your very own couch? Now you can, with the Collide Counseling Bundle, which is an online course jam-packed with counselors giving their best teaching and resources on the topics you bump up against every day, like anxiety, finding your calling, and broken relationships. Check out this 12-part course now, and take your first step toward healing, wholeness, and freedom.