Hop on to our summer highlight series and listen to this great conversation! Many women have complicated relationships with their bodies. We love them for the ways they serve us, but we can also be the harshest critics and least responsible caretakers. With all the talk about swimsuit season, dieting and working out, we wanted to revisit this episode with Liz and Summer, who are the co-founders of the Healthy, Whole, and Free Community who share their wisdom on what true health is, from the inside out. These ladies are passionate about ushering women into Jesus’ presence and helping them discover healthy and whole living – and who doesn’t want a little more of that in their lives?!
We love connecting you with resources, so we pulled some of our faves based on this podcast episode. We hope they encourage, inspire and challenge you. Enjoy!
Connect with Summer on Facebook
Connect with Liz on Facebook
Revelation Wellness Information
More Collide Resources!
- Our Yes, You Bible study on self-worth encourages women to see beyond their inadequacies so they can be purposed to their fullest potential.
- There is great power that comes from recognizing the lies we believe about ourselves. Healing starts there. We’ve created a free downloadable exercise, Overcoming the Lies You Believe About Yourself to help you truly think about the statements you’re believing that are untrue about yourself and God. This resource helps you move from recognizing lies to claiming truths.
- The Counseling Bundle is a tremendous online course covering the 12 most common issues women face in counseling featuring tips, tools, and advice from mental health professionals. This course is a great fit for anyone considering whether counseling is for them, or as an option to begin the healing process while waiting to see a counselor.
- As women we often get stuck believing lies, settling for less than we deserve, and shrinking back rather than owning who we can become. We get stuck assuming things about God and about others. Our FREE downloadable, Getting Unstuck, A Reflection to Help Unleash you into the Life you Desire is chocked full of tools and insights to help you recognize why you might be stuck and to help walk you toward freedom.
- Connect with Collide at info@wecollide.net or on Facebook or Instagram