Finding Hope Amidst Grief at Christmas with Doug and Laurie Bunnell

man and woman on a trail walking

Doug and Laurie Bunnell are an incredible couple full of wisdom, grace, and spirit. Doug is a Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Bellingham and Laurie is a Preschool Director at Kids Central Preschool – which is to say, they are both PEOPLE people and have incredible hearts to serve others. In this episode, the Bunnell’s vulnerably share about their experience with massive grief, and what it looks like to continue to have hope, especially during the Christmas season.

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  • Jean Hamilton says:

    Dear Willow, we’ve waited 16 to hear Doug and Laurie be able to share their story together. What a gift it was and what a good job of interviewing. Thanks so much, Kris and I both were so blessed.
    Merry Christmas to you all. I wonder what your kids are doing now?
    Love you, Jean

  • Becky says:

    This podcast with Doug and Laurie was terrific! Many thanks.