Summer Highlight Series: Breaking Free: Getting Unstuck and Building Confidence with Emily Jamieson

emily jamieson on collide podcast

Looking for a podcast to fuel and inspire you? Dive into one of our favorites on this Summer Highlight Series episode! Emily Jamieson hops on the pod to share her big heart to see people walk in greater freedom and confidence. Emily is the Owner of Jamieson Coaching. Emily is one of our fan-favorite speakers at Collide conferences. This trajectory shifter will spend some time having a conversation with Willow Weston, Collide’s Founder and Director that is sure to shift your thoughts, hearts, and even path today. We are certain you will walk into something greater as a result! So press play and enjoy!

We love connecting you with resources, so we pulled some of our faves based on this podcast episode. We hope they encourage, inspire and challenge you.  Enjoy!

Let’s be friends! Check out Collide’s website for info on upcoming conferences, events, and resources, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for encouragement, inspo and a fun peek into our ministry. Plus, subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on all things Collide!

Collide Resources

  • As women we often get stuck believing lies, settling for less than we deserve, and shrinking back rather than owning who we can become. We get stuck assuming things about God and about others. Our FREE downloadable, Getting Unstuck, A Reflection to Help Unleash you into the Life you Desire is chocked full of tools and insights to help you recognize why you might be stuck and to help walk you toward freedom.
  • The Women of Impact Online Course provides teaching and inspiration from women making a huge impact in the world as they tap into God’s purpose for their lives in the sectors and spaces they’ve been called to. Get inspired and equipped to make an impact with YOUR life.
  • Our All the Best Devotional will help you connect with Jesus and find peace and restoration. Through guided reflection on the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, you’ll gain insight into how to overcome distractions, worry, comparison, and more. This devotional will help you understand what Jesus meant when He said, “She has chosen what is best.”

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