Collide: Inspired to Impact
If there is one thing I learned from the passing of an amazing woman’s life this year – it was from her intensity and passion to “make it count.” I think she speaks for all of us. We all desire to live lives that really count- that really matter. We all want to live purposed lives. When all is said and done we want to be able to say we made a difference.
This next weekend at Collide we will spend the day centering around a woman’s life who was perhaps one of the least likely people to be used by God to do anything good, let alone outstanding or worthy of history. And yet, this woman was impacted by Jesus so much so that after she collided with Him, she then changed her entire village. Not only did she change her village, but she herself has gone down in history and God is using her story to still change people.
My hope is that as women come to Collide on saturday they will no longer make their inadequacies count, nor their insecurities. I hope they will no longer allow their past to count or their baggage or their fears. Instead, I hope women are impacted by stories of other ordinary women doing extraordinary things. I hope women are encouraged in every season of life whether they be retired and traveling, empty nesters pacing their empty halls, stay at home moms taking care of everybody but themselves or college aged students chasing that piece of paper. I hope we will come and be moved by the idea that very simply, God can use us in whatever season, in whatever place, in whatever way, with whatever gifts and even in weakness, to truly make our lives count and in turn to help others know their lives count too.
Let us dream again that we can do BIG things. Let us be inspired again that we can IMPACT this world. Let us be renewed again that we can make a huge DIFFERENCE. Let us together MAKE IT COUNT!