Big News!

Big News!

So I have big news to share about Collide! Collide has come a long way as it started once upon a time as a bible study and is now a ministry that impacts lives through the blog, events, retreats, classes and a whole team of people. After a year of discernment with an Advisory board made up of the greatest group of people and the support and friendship from First Presbyterian Church… and after much time watching what God is doing, Collide is …..wait for it….wait for it… drumroll…..Collide is a non-profit!

big news

We have put so much prayer, thought, discussion and energy into this decision. This is exciting news because we see God opening up opportunity after opportunity to continue partnering with First Presbyterian church, but also many other churches and ministries. God is drawing people from all sorts of faith backgrounds and experiences and even unchurched people to Collide with Him! We are excited for the journey ahead and hope you will continue running into Jesus with us on the blog and at the day of events and please continue praying for the future of this ministry!

If you want to give a congratulations gift, a “you are moving out of the house and are on your own” present, if you feel led to bless this new venture and give to the work that God is doing, you can do that by clicking the donate button here. This new move to become a non-profit is a scary, exciting adventure that calls for trust that God will provide all that we need to do this work. As we step out on our own, we remember we aren’t on our own. We remember that God is in this and has been since the very beginning. Though we walk out from underneath the umbrella that covered us, we know that God’s umbrella is even bigger. If you want to partner in any way with your gifts, your resources, your ideas, your prayers, your church building, or whatever it may be, we would love to partner with you!

We are so excited about how God can take nothing and make something. God can heal wounds that have been festering for years. God can run into lives and change them forever. God can use the most unlikely people to do amazing things. God partners with us. Now let us partner with Him, so that we might see lives change!   Thank you all for your continual support, cheerleading, prayers and wisdom as God guides, shapes, builds, grows, moves and collides! I appreciate every last one of you!- Willow

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