Kicks for Kids

I run into a lot of people who struggle with what it looks like to follow Christ and be like Him in their public sector jobs.  So often I have found that following Christ just looks like meeting needs as He brings them before you. That is what Jesus did. He ran into people in need and met those needs whether it was physically, spiritually or emotionally. When I heard about what Tom and Kristin are doing for kids, I just burst out in joy. Here they find themselves doing life in a local elementary school and a need was brought to their attention. It wasn’t enough to feel sad or to pray, but they got this idea to help kids who have no shoes for P.E. Read their story and even consider entering it!- Willow

Forgiveness title slide

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for you he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9. 

Do you hear that great news?! We are rich – abundantly rich! I’d like to take a moment to consider my life…

First of all I know Jesus Christ, he has redeemed me, saved me and made me new. The overwhelming feeling of gratitude and peace that fills my life daily could never be replaced. Secondly, I have a husband who loves the Lord with all of his heart, works hard to provide for our family and is committed to me. I also have these three crazy adorable children who I love fiercely. I have friends that I can call for fun or tears, a mom who loves me unconditionally, a roof over my head, food to eat, clean water to drink, a closet full of clothes and a rack full of shoes. To say I’m RICH is in my opinion an understatement. I tell you all of this not in the hopes that you think my world is perfect… It’s anything but. If I were to write another post I could share of all of the trials and heartaches that I face… But, that’s not what this is about.

You see, I want to share with you how rich I am. And I want you to take a moment to reflect on just how rich YOU are! Being rich is a wonderful blessing and yet for me it is also a heavy burden. A burden you may ask? What a strange way to think about being rich. Let me tell you why…

My husband has the amazing privilege to work at a local school called Roosevelt Elementary. This school has so many children who come to school every day without clean clothes, a pair of shoes that fit or food to fill their bellies. I see this and this is why I am burdened. God makes it clear that if we are rich, much is expected of us. “…When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” Luke 12:48

This burden is heavy and it can feel overwhelming when trying to tackle these huge needs alone. Here’s the great news – I’m NOT ALONE! We are all called to the same thing! What can we do you may be wondering? Let me fill you in on an idea!

Last month my husband and I’s church tried an experiment with Roosevelt Elementary. The school requested 25 pairs of shoes for kids to use when they come to PE. So many children show up with shoes that are either in disrepair, falling off or simply don’t have tennis shoes. Period. It is difficult for them to engage in a meaningful way in PE. These children all too often feel unworthy and 2nd rate because their families simply can’t afford to buy them new shoes. Our church brought in 48 pairs of shoes! How awesome will that be for 48 children attending Roosevelt?

I posted the request for shoes on my FB page and heard from other teachers around the district at Title 1 schools (low income schools) requesting shoes as well. How awesome is it that the public sector is coming to the church for help! YES! What if the people who read the Collide blog and the women who come to the next Collide event decided to show the love of Christ by the simple act of giving shoes?! I get excited just thinking about it!

So here’s my charge to you: “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. Will you consider being a part of this story and donating some shoes? (details below) We will distribute the shoes to the Title 1 schools around the Bellingham school district. Kids will know that they are cared for and schools will know that Jesus is alive and working through those who love Him! Thanks for your consideration! – Kristin Gresham


Taking Part:

What: donate a pair of tennis shoes (sizes 11-13 Toddler/1-5Youth boys or girls. New or in like-new condition.

Where: Bring to the next Collide October 25th or mail to Collide: P.O. Box 30651 Bellingham WA 98228




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