FREE 5 Exercises to Help you do Amazing Things
We all have big dreams and big goals, but we often get held back by our own self doubt. We often look around and believe that God will do amazing things in “her” life but not mine. We often don’t believe we have what it takes. We don’t have the right personality, the right giftings, the resources, whatever it may be. Well, friend, God uses what we have. God doesn’t need you to be someone else, God can use you just as you are.
We are so sure of it that we created 5 exercises to help you fully say “yes” to God doing the unimaginable in your life. We will walk you through your “not me’s,” we will help you confront the fear that holds you back, we will help you do a full inventory of what you “have,” we will invite you to reflect on whose life yours can impact and we will walk you through a study of Scripture where God just might challenge you! All this, in one amazing resource available in both a printed and digital format. Grab yours now to start saying yes to amazing things!