There is so much going on in the world right now that it’s safe to say we’re all grieving something. Whether it be our health, our jobs, our routines, or simply the joy of meeting up with friends or gathering for church – we each feel the pain this global pandemic is causing on a global level, but also in our individual lives.
The same is true for our kids. Whatever age they may be, children are experiencing a huge disruption to their norms, and as parents, it’s our job to model faith rather than fear. Now more than ever we need to ground our children and center our lives around the God who never changes. In this episode, we’re sharing practical ways to be intentional parents in a trying time of chaos, so that our kids can come out on the other side healthy, strong, and closer with the Lord.
If you loved this podcast then you’ll wanna check out our FREE Intentional Parenting Devotionals. We created simple, practical materials you need to ground your kids in faith, as well as keep them on track with some tools for structure and development. We also wrote 8 weeks worth of daily family devotions to help spark meaningful conversations, bond together in faith, and connect with one another intentionally.