Needing to feel more connected to God? Hop on this episode where Carrie Butler invites you into a connection and prayer life that is much different than the one you have been in. This interview covers monastic spiritual rhythms, the danger of hurry, the importance of curiosity, getting to that “comfort space” with Jesus, how to know if God is trying to get your attention, and even how road trips can be spiritual. We promise you will walk away more freed and more invited in your relationship with Jesus because of this conversation!
We love connecting you with resources, so we pulled some of our faves based on this podcast episode. We hope they encourage, inspire and challenge you. Enjoy!
Collide Resources:
- Our Personal and Powerful Bible study reminds us that God is able to intersect with our lives in both personal and powerful ways.
- The Women of Impact Online Course provides teaching and inspiration from women making a huge impact in the world as they tap into God’s purpose for their lives in the sectors and spaces they’ve been called to. Get inspired and equipped to make an impact with YOUR life.
- Connect with Collide at or on Facebook or Instagram