We know we’re called to have peace in chaos and anxiety, but how in the world do we actually embody this incredible invitation? Is it really possible to be grounded in faith when fear threatens to upset your peace? In this episode, we chat with Kip McCormick, who is now a pastor after retiring from the military after 28 years of service as an Army active duty colonel, intelligence officer, and Foreign Area Officer. Kip has a passion for God’s Word and has completed his PhD in Biblical Studies. With his combined military service experience as a senior officer, former U.S. Military Academy (West Point) instructor, and intelligence professional Kip uses his knowledge and life experiences to equip and encourage others in their walk with Christ.
Whether you’re struggling with deep anxiety or just feeling a little anxious these days, we’ve got a 5 Week Guide to Help Manage Your Anxiety. We collaborated with five highly-respected mental health professionals and compiled their top advice, exercises, reflections, and resources to come up with one beautifully designed master bundle.