Ride to Redemption
If you have ever wondered if bigger dreams were possible for your life and how you could possibly travel from where you are to where you hope to go- take a listen to this story. I remember meeting Brenton in the back pew at the INN University Ministries in Bellingham, WA. The first time we sat down to chat (in a Sunday school room) he shared his feelings of unworthiness to do anything spectacular or even out of the ordinary. He had resigned to working in tire stores and packing meat. Though there is nothing wrong with either of these two things, Brenton was miserable doing them and had begun to believe he was capable of little else. Jesus got a hold of His life and as an intern this year, Brenton has literally transformed right before our very eyes. He has begun to believe big things for himself! And that is an amazing sight to watch unfold in someone’s life! I am impressed by the courage it took for Brenton to tell this story! How good it is to hear stories that remind us-God is evolving who we are becoming! I am excited for the ride ahead!
– Willow
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Brenton~ We are so proud of you! You have been such a blessing to our family! Thanks for sharing so much with us. We love you! Kristin, Darian, Evan and Noah Allen