Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to choose what to read out of your whole big Bible. It might even be intimidating deciding how to spend your quiet time with God when there are no prompts or guidelines. That’s why we’ve asked former Collide staffer, Michelle Holladay, to write this devotion to help take the guesswork out of your study time and relax into prayer and reading.
Read – Psalm 9
Recently, I spent the day at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. As my tour came to an end, I found myself at a theater where interviews of Holocaust survivors played on a large screen. As I sat, heartbroken, listening to their stories, I was amazed that person after person spoke about hope. These people had endured horrors I cannot even imagine and yet they did not lose hope.
Psalm 9:18 tells us, “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.” The word “never” stands out to me.
Never – at no time, not at any time, not ever, not once, on no occasion.
There is certainty, finality and confidence in that word. Because our God is bigger than all things.
Not only will God never forget us, but our hope will never perish. That’s a pretty bold statement. I am sure those Holocaust survivors all knew there was a strong possibility that they would not survive and yet their hope remained and so can ours, because our hope lies in a promise far beyond anything this world has to offer.
So, when the doctor says, “Cancer.” – Hold onto hope.
When your husband says, “It’s over.” – Hold onto hope.
When your boss says, “Your fired.” – Hold onto hope.
When the drug calls your name though you’ve tried so hard to fight it. – Hold onto hope.
When you can’t find your way. – Hold onto hope.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
Where do you need to hold onto hope?