Happy Birthday to us!
It’s Collide’s 10th birthday month and as I sit here and reminisce, my heart is full of gratitude for all that Jesus has done. I think back over the decade and find myself grateful that God knew what He was doing when I didn’t. God had Collide in mind when I did not. I am grateful that God uses broken, messy, people like me and that He has surrounded me with such an amazing, beautiful community of women who have given God their yes, and together, we have gotten front row seats to see Him change lives.
There have been countless days I have been on my knees begging God to help me, handing God my little, hoping He can do something with it, asking God to provide all we needed to enable us to keep saying yes to the opportunities in front of us…and boy has He answered those prayers. His faithfulness, His goodness, and His reality are more sure to me than ever before. His unfolding story that He chose to pen, has certainly increased my faith and shown me His grand passion for people.
So friend, remember He can do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine. He can do more in your life than you can even now fathom. So, let’s grab His hand, pull up our sleeves, and get to work to bring hope, light, life, and most of all, His love to a world that needs it.
Let’s keep colliding and see what He does in and through us the next ten eras,