Enough: A Day for women

Enough: A Day for women


The more and more I think about women I know and run into, the more and more I get excited for what God is going to this next Collide. I feel so strongly that God wants to heal women’s self belief. It is almost an epidemic that women across the board struggle with feelings of inadequacy, spiritual feelings of unworthiness, physical body expectations that plague them, career and family roles that taunt them and relationships that have disappointed and told them it is all their fault because they in and of themselves are not enough. I am sooooooo excited to see what God will do as we spend an entire day engaging Jesus in the midst of not feeling ‘enough’. We have art and readings and drama and lunch and worship and prayer and reflection and so many things planned! And check out this crazy cool lineup of speakers and teachers:



If you are in the area, you should most definitely set aside intentional time to experience this event. And invite other women you care about and love to experience it with you! Register here. 

Please be praying, people, for God to heal the brokenness that hinders and holds back, that squelches dreams and crushes esteem. Please pray that God will be found sufficient in all our insufficiency. Please pray that women would know they are loved, deeply by their Creator, their Father, their Savior. I treasure your prayers.- Willow

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