Do The Thing
Rebecca Dotson George is the founder of the Do The Thing Movement Podcast where listeners are cheered on each week to be faithful in living out their calling to glorify God in a unique way. She also walks alongside authors and creatives to coach them in preparation for podcast and other media interviews. For more information about Rebecca, visit her website.
We never mean to miss it. We desire that God use us as an instrument to point others to himself; however, we sometimes allow the enemy to get in the way by discouraging and distracting us from our mission. As one of my favorite writers Jennie Allen says, “The greatest battle our generation will ever face is the battle between our ears.” I truly believe people are more passionate and persistent about doing something that matters than ever before. Our issue will never be a lack of momentum. Often, we’re divvying out our momentum toward things that really won’t matter in eternity.
When I get to heaven one day and see Jesus face to face for the first time, I don’t want Him to say, “Wow! Rebecca, you had a really pretty Instagram handle. You were very well connected in society!” Neither of these things are bad but when my head hits the pillow at night, I want to be able to say, “I did all I could today to be one step closer to hearing, “Well done!” from Jesus.” Life is too short. Eternity is too long. I want to love God and love my neighbors well in the time that I have here on earth – don’t you?
I love in Hebrews 12 where it talks about laying aside every weight and sin that clings so closely to us. We are to run our race with endurance, free from distractions and ploys of the enemy like insecurity, fear and doubt. We are to look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith and stay in the lane that he has authored for our life. It’s in that lane that we most beautifully can make his name known. Since He made me, He’s also more than capable of sustaining me.
We are to “fan into flame” the gifts and talents God has so graciously given us as it says in 2 Timothy 1. This looks different for everyone and that’s what is so beautiful about the body of Christ. What if we all stepped into our calling with full-confidence that God is our sustainer and provider? What if we relied on the Holy Spirit as our counselor and helper, giving us discernment and wisdom beyond measure as we move through life?
What is God prompting you to lay aside so that you can “do the thing” He’s called you to do?