Devotion: I’ve Got You
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to choose what to read out of your whole big Bible. Sometimes it’s intimidating knowing how to spend your quiet time with God when there are no prompts or guidelines. That’s why Collide’s Next Steps Coordinator, Michelle Holladay, wrote a devotion for every single week this year – so you can take the guesswork out of your devotional time and relax into prayer and reading. Join us on the blog each week for a new devotion.
Read – Job 42
“My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.” These are the words spoken by Job at the end of the book which bears his name. Job is not a book I have spent a ton of time in. It’s always been difficult for me to understand the scenes where God gives Satan permission to torture Job. But it is in this exact context where I was able to see a vivid picture of God as my protector and defender.
The beginning of Job shows Satan answering to God about his whereabouts. He said he had been roaming the earth, going back and forth in it. Revelation 12 tells us Satan accuses us before God day and night. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” So, God calls attention to Job, calling him blameless and upright. Now we know Job was not the Messiah, which means he did not live a sinless life. But God calls him blameless and upright and, because of Jesus, we are called by the same names.
So, here is what I saw so beautifully in my head: I saw Satan constantly accusing me before God, saying terrible things, some things I might even agree with. “She’s not good enough. She’ll never be able to live up to your expectations. Look how many times she has failed.” But then I saw Jesus saying to Satan, “I love her. She is holy and blameless and righteous. You can try and take her down, but I’ve got her. She is mine.” That vision gave me such comfort and the confidence to move forward knowing that God is holding me in His hands. Satan may be able to torture me for a time, but I belong to God. I am His and Satan will NEVER have the victory over me.
What lies are you believing today? Will you choose to believe instead that you are loved, you are valued and you belong to God?