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Rose Tucci


Program: Wholeness and Counseling

At Collide, we believe that God uses every day women to do amazing things. He meets us exactly where we’re at – in our doubt, our monotonous routines, our pain, our apathy, and our mess – and collides with us in a way that leaves us forever changed. We’ve been amazed as He’s redeemed our brokenness and empowered women in our community and beyond to walk in confidence of their identity as beloved daughters.

We’d love to introduce you to one of those women, Rose, and share a piece of her story of colliding with Jesus.

I was searching for love and acceptance in all the wrong places, escaping reality and my pain with an addiction to alcohol and social media. I wanted so badly to become whole. I felt like I had lost all hope, until I stepped foot into a Collide event two years ago. That night I signed up for a mentor, and a few months later was matched with someone who has made an incredible impact on my life. She also gave me that gentle nudge I needed to start the counseling program that Collide provides. I was able to see a wonderful counselor and receive the help that I needed to start the healing process, work on forgiveness, and start walking towards wholeness.

One of our favorite things in the world is the diversity of stories we get to hear about how God meets individual people in deeply personal ways. We’d love to hear your story of colliding with Jesus, too! Tell us all about it at