Hop onto the pod and listen to one woman’s powerful story of escaping an abusive relationship and how she is now helping others to do the same. Julie Bonn Blank shares her own story of abuse, the indicators to look for in a new relationship, and why it’s so hard to leave. In this episode, Julie a DV advocate, author of Innocent Lives, and recovery group leader, helps dispel some of the myths around domestic violence. This podcast brings awareness to this important topic and may help you to help yourself, or help someone around you.
*If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please contact the National DV Hotline at 800-799-7233
We love connecting you with resources, so we pulled some of our faves based on this podcast episode. We hope they encourage, inspire and challenge you. Enjoy!
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Connect with Julie Bonn Blank
Abuse Recovery Ministry Services
Collide Resources:
Collide and Converse: A Group Video Bible Study for Women This 6 week series centers around New Testament stories of people having life-changing collisions with Jesus.
The Counseling Bundle is a tremendous online course covering the 12 most common issues women face in counseling featuring tips, tools, and advice from mental health professionals. This course is a great fit for anyone considering whether counseling is for them, or as an option to begin the healing process while waiting to see a counselor.
Check out other blogs, podcasts, and resources on the Wholeness and Counseling section of our website.