About Willow
I love telling stories and inviting others to share theirs. I’m all people, all the time. Facts and figures bore me, but life stories, that’s where the good stuff’s at. I love a good massage and a walk on the beach. I can throw a mean party and I’m a criminal at the local library. I have a hippie name and I once lived on a school bus as a kid. I frequent coffee shops more than I’d like to admit and sit across from hurting people in the hopes they will find help for their pain. I battle insecurity and old wounds every day, just like you probably do too. I have been married for twenty years and the mom of two amazing kids who school me everyday. My hope is that God would use my life and my voice to change our world. It has now become my greatest desire and calling to invite others to collide with Jesus, because when we do, our lives will be beautifully transformed.