Mountain with trees and ancient buildings overlooking Israel valley

On a Solid Rock I Stand

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to choose what to read out of your whole big Bible. It might even be intimidating deciding how to spend your quiet time with God when there are no prompts or guidelines. That’s why we’ve asked former Collide staffer, Michelle Holladay, to write this devotion to help take the guesswork out of your study time and relax into prayer and reading.

Read1 Samuel 17

He stood on the hill, staring in awe at the giant standing opposite him across the valley. Day after day, the giant stood there in his impressive garments which only served to enhance his unmatched strength. What did David see as he stood there watching, while all the others were running away which gave him the confidence to know he could defeat Goliath? What gave him the courage to shed Saul’s armor in favor of a sling and five smooth stones, and know they would be enough?

Maybe as David stood there and listened to Goliath taunting God, he was reminded of all the things he had been taught growing up, all the stories he had been told about how God protects his people. Maybe he remembered the story of Joseph and how God used seemingly terrible circumstances to rescue His people from famine. Maybe he thought about Moses, in his old age, being used as God’s instrument to lead His people out of slavery, or Gideon who chose to trust God, even in fear and was able to defeat an army of Midianites with only 300 men. Maybe David remembered how God had intervened for him personally throughout his life. Whatever it was, one thing is clear; David was looking at God, not his circumstances.

So many times, we get overwhelmed by the circumstances of life and these can hinder us in our longing to put our complete trust in God. I challenge you today to make a personal list of all the ways you have seen God act in your life. Ask your close friends and family members, to tell you the things they have seen God do for them. Keep this list on your phone, on your computer or on an actual, physical piece of paper and refer to it often. Whenever you feel bogged down by the circumstances of life, remember all the ways God has protected you and your family and then tell your circumstances, “I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty,” (1 Samuel 17:45) and know with genuine assurance that whatever tools God gives you will be enough.

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