If Not You, Then Who?
The Your Stories blogs are a place where women can bravely and authentically tell their story as it really is. We invite women to collide with Jesus and share how He is meeting them, transforming them and redeeming them. We hope this “your story” meets you in yours…
Life throws all of us curve balls every now and again. I’ve experienced those curve balls to the gut, some I have avoided by jumping out of the way and some have come like…pow, straight to the face. A couple of weeks ago, I took one straight in the face when one of the students from the school where I work, tragically lost his life. That kind of curve ball will leave a mark for life.
When we lose someone in our circle of influence, it hurts and when it is a young person it seems to sting a bit more than we can articulate. I was surrounded by, literally, hundreds of hurting kids and adults. I tried to make sense of the situation and just could not. None of us could. All I COULD do was hug, cry and offer love. And when I stopped to look around, that was all that my heart could see. Love for the family, love for the child lost and love for, and from, those affected by the loss. It made me reflect in a way that I never thought I would. Am I loving those around me enough? Do they really know it? How in the world do I convey to those around me that I love them? That is what I am reflecting on.
So, here is what I would say to those that I do life with, those that I work with, those that I have served and have been served by, those students that I have excused, cleared or see in the halls, the families and guardians of those students, my friends from childhood to present, those that call me family and those that seem like they are family, my tribe that I can’t imagine life without… I love you. I love you to the core of who I am. You are important to me. The value that you bring into my life by just being you, is immeasurable. I have learned so much from you and can’t imagine where I would be today had you not walked into my world. I believe in you and everything you have to offer. I want you to know that you matter to me.
You matter as you walk by me to say “Good morning” as you pass by my office, saying “Hi” to me at the grocery store, you matter on the fields and courts, at the dinner table, across the room and sitting with me in my living room or yours. You matter in our place of worship, you matter when we plan our next get-together or vacation. It does not matter to me if it has been years, months, days or hours since I have seen you last. You need to know that your presence in my life has made me who I am today. God has placed you in my life for a purpose, whether you know it or not, He is the one that has orchestrated our relationship. I am so incredibly grateful that He loves us so much that He would bring us together, to grow both of us. Without one of us, we cannot grow. You are the ying to my yang.
Today, I encourage you to stop and consider those around you that God has placed in your life. If you do not convey how much you love them, how much God loves them, then who will? “Love covers a multitude of sin,” yes but, more importantly, it provides a God-given value to who we are His people. When you feel you are loved, to the core of who you are, it is life changing. Hug your people firmly, tell them you love them. It may just change how their day goes. And remember, above all else that you are loved, important in this world, and valued beyond measure.
1 Comment
This is such a wonderful reminder to remember to love those we encounter every day even it’s as simple as a hello! or a smile 🙂 Thank you for sharing, Ann!