Devotion: Always Ready
Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to choose what to read out of your whole big Bible. It might even be intimidating deciding how to spend your quiet time with God when there are no prompts or guidelines. That’s why we’ve asked former Collide staffer, Michelle Holladay, to write this devotion to help take the guesswork out of your study time and relax into prayer and reading.
Read – Luke 12:42-46
Do you have one of those friends who has an eternally clean house? You can show up at her door with no notice and everything is spotless, as if you called weeks ago to announce your visit. These are the same people who take your glass and put it in the dishwasher before you’ve even set it down after your last sip. You know what these people have going for them? They’re always ready. It may be a lot of work to keep their house clean but they are willing to do the work because the payoff is huge. They can entertain on a moment’s notice. They can pick your kid up from school when you forget it’s an early release day. They can play with their families on the weekend because there aren’t a million dishes piled in the sink or mounds of laundry to fold.
The apostle Paul often wrote about the concept of keeping short accounts with God. Keeping short accounts with God is like the woman with the consistently clean house. Why is her house always clean? She is constantly cleaning up small messes. Something spills, and she cleans it up. The mail comes, she sorts it and throws out the junk. She never has to deal with moldy smelling towels because the moment the washing machine buzzes, she transfers the towels to the dryer.
We are more likely to live as people who are always ready if we apply the same concepts to our spiritual lives. When we tell a lie, we immediately ask for forgiveness. When we disobey God, we go to Him right away. When we make a wrong turn, we ask God’s help to get back on the right path. We are going to screw up from time to time, not one of us is perfect. But if we will remember to spend time each day, being honest with God and asking Him to show us where we can do better, we will keep those short accounts Paul talks about and we will be much more likely to be ready when He calls.
Will you take a few moments today and set your account straight with God?
Want to go deeper? Check out our All the Best Devotional to help you connect with Jesus and find peace and restoration. Through guided reflection on the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, you’ll gain insight into how to overcome distractions, worry, comparison, and more. This devotional will help you understand what Jesus meant when He said, “She has chosen what is best.”