OCT 25 • 6 PM • Cornwall Church
Join us at our upcoming conference where we will explore the powerful truth that God is not finished with us yet.
It’s so easy to assume the story is over in our dreams, relationships, bodies, careers, or hopes. But God wants to rise us out of the place we settle, the place we’ve given up, the placess we feel asleep, and write a new story of power, hope and life.
speaker, podcaster, author, & founder of Ezer Collective
Jo Saxton is an author, nationally known speaker, and Founder of Ezer Collective. Over the course of her career she has led in ministry and non-profit settings as well as pastoring and church-planting. Jo wants to see women live into their God-given potential confident in their call, intentional with their influence, and equipped with the support and resources they need along the way.
author, speaker, & founder and director of Collide
Willow Weston is an author, speaker, podcast host, and the Founder and Director of Collide. She has been in ministry for 25 years and loves bringing passion, truth, authenticity and story into every room she walks into. She authentically shares her story of pain, and the beauty that comes out of it in a way that inspires and encourages people to bravely invite Jesus into their brokenness so they can experience hope and healing too.
Come gather with hundreds of women and be inspired, refreshed, and filled with faith!
Friday, October 25, 2024
6:00 – 9:30pm
Cornwall Church
4518 Northwest Dr
Bellingham, WA 98226
Grab your ticket before October 11 to get early bird pricing for only $54!
Student? Get your ticket for $44.
Special thank you to this conference’s sponsors!
If you’ve never been to a Collide conference before, you are in for an amazing experience full of unique elements and fun surprises. Our conference are distinct form any other event you’ve been to, so we’ve compiled a few of the most commonly asked questions to help unpack what you can expect when it comes to the conference experience, and how to prepare for an exciting night of colliding with Jesus.
If you have any questions we didn’t cover here, feel free to reach out to us at info@wecollide.net and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re able! We can’t wait to see you at our next conference.
Want to help us serve and bless other women? We have a jillion ways you can use your time and gifts to serve with us!